The set of faces, intricately melted and crafted from plastic, draws inspiration from the iconic works of Grace Jones and Jean-Paul Goude's early fashion photographs. My intent was to capture the compelling idea of Transhumanism—a portrayal deeply interwoven with the modern future and evolving cultural landscapes. Transhumanism represents a rich philosophical and intellectual movement that passionately advocates for the enhancement of the human condition through the development and widespread accessibility of new and innovative future technologies. These advancements have the potential to significantly enhance longevity, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being. Transhumanist thinkers diligently explore both the potential benefits and inherent dangers of emerging technologies that might help humanity overcome its fundamental limitations, while also grappling with the ethical implications of utilizing such transformative technologies. Some forward-thinking transhumanists speculate that human beings may one day possess the capabilities to evolve, effectively transforming themselves into entities so vastly superior that they may be accurately described as posthuman beings.